Monday, November 15, 2010

Baby Steps

Alright, today was a pretty good day. I woke up at 6:30 and went to my 7 a.m. class w00t. For breakfast I had oatmeal, a banana, a baby smoothie and coffeeeee. So I love coffee but my cafeterias coffee legitimately tastes like shit. But anyway...  I went for a very brisk 30 minute walk, 1.5 miles =] A few hours later I had a snack of blueberry yogurt and half a banana. Then Lunch I had a bit of salad, an egg white, an apple and some peas, is that it? hmmm snack was vanilla and chocolate pudding mixed. Dinner was peas and chicken fried steak (yeah...that was bad of me :[ ) and then  evening snack I went a bit over board, wheat toast with peanut butter and honey and then some pretzels with nutella, which is the love of my life FYI. So my total intake was about 1700 today, more than I would like, but as the title steps.

Tomorrows plan is to make my evening snack smaller! a lot smaller actually because I"m really bad at night time eating. I need to get more tea in, I get one cup of coffee in the morning but I need to drink tea through out the day because it's healthy, delicious and I need it to help my digestion. Also tomorrow is going to be an intense work out. I'm going to do arm exercises and cardio. I got this :) I hope you are all having a wonderful day.

Peace,Love,Mixed Fruits

Fulfilling Mondays Challenge----->

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