Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Beginnings

Hello Hello, I have tried and tried again to lose weight but this time I whole heartedly believe that I am going to do it. I have been updating vlogs on youtube and I've been tracking everything I eat on my i-pod. What I plan on doing is eating 5-6 small meals a day spaced 2-4 hours apart depending on my schedule. My two largest meals are going to be my first and 3rd meal at about 7 and 12. Other than that I will be eating small meals of fruits and vegetables. The two large meals will consist of proteins, carbs and healthy fats (as well as fruits and veggies of course) I plan to drink nothing but water and lots of tea, and one cup of coffee per day (with my first meal)

Weekends are going to be tricky considering the cafeteria is open only 4 random times during the day so I will hopefully be getting snacks from the cafeteria to my room that I can munch on between meals. I plan on exercising at least once a day, some days I will be going twice a day as my schedule will permit it. For about 30-45 minutes. I also want to add in some weight training 3 days a week focusing on arms, legs and core. Eventually as time goes on I would like to work my weight training in 6 days a week.

Alright so my first day went a little like this: I woke up at about 9:50 and got ready for the day. I did 15 minutes of yoga. I didn't get much exercise int today but that's ok, tomorrow will be one of my going twice days. For food at "brunch" I had peas and carrots, a honey and scrambled eggs sandwich on wheat toast, some yogurt and grapes. I munched on animal crackers covered in fudge pretty much all day (horrible I know... they are gone now, I gave them to somebody to keep away from me) and then for dinner I had a few mini corn dogs, a couple potato wedges some corn and a banana. This brings my total calories for the day to about 1,400.

This is a bit more than I would like to have every day however, being my first day I think I did great. One thing I think will be tough for me is trying to get enough calories a day, as odd as that sounds. It's something I've always struggled with I always way underestimate my intake. I suppose as time goes on I will get used to.

Peace,Love,Mixed Fruits

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